Millionaires Work For Free

mindset Feb 22, 2021
how to work for a millionaire




When I was 19 I met a successful real estate broker that was a regular at a bar that I worked at to help pay for school.

At the time he was running the largest real estate team in the city and leisurely spent more on entertaining his guests in an evening than I made in an entire month.

Each time he visited I would ensure he was well looked after and when it seemed appropriate, I would pepper him with questions about his business and how it worked.

This carried on for awhile and within a few months he told me that he had an opportunity for me and asked me to come see him at his office during regular business hours.

I scoured my closet to find something presentable to wear and preoccupied myself on route with grandiose visions of making it big like you might see in the movies.
When we sat down, he quickly brought me back to earth and informed me that he needed someone to go around town and collect sold listing signs, inspect existing signs and ensure new listings had signage immediately.

Here’s the kicker…the job didn’t pay much, as a matter of fact some quick calculations in my head revealed that after gas and expenses It would cost me money to take this job.

I protested and insisted that I belonged on the front lines where the action was. He asked me if I wanted the opportunity he presented.

My gut said yes and my lips followed. In hindsight I’m sure glad that I did because that decision redirected my career and put me on a track to be where I am today.

Ever since then I’ve always believed that the best way to get into a competitive field, gain experience or make contacts is by being willing to add value with no strings attached.

In the last 15 now years I’ve been fortunate to help build out several multi million-dollar companies, doing whatever it took, often for free and on my own time. Each build and company brought its own lessons, each experience further prepared me to scale a business and create value.


Most people think that they are either “too good” or “too smart” to do whatever they know needs to get done to move things forward. They feel that “its” not their job or that the company they work for won’t notice or appreciate it.

I can tell you firsthand that whether you work for yourself or someone else no one is too good to do what needs to get done to pay the bills. Also, someone always notices.

Do something positive long enough, either someone internally will catch on and notice or one of your company’s competitors will.


Recession or not, there is always opportunity (at your existing company or the next) for a person of value. Whether you aspire to build a multi million-dollar business or excel at your existing job, now more than ever you need to find ways to create value.

It could be as simple as reducing waste in the existing place you work all the way through to building your company by disrupting an existing way of doing business.

If you’re young and don’t have much for financial commitments, take the plunge into whatever it is you’re passionate about. Do whatever it takes to get in the door and once you’re in find a reason for them to want to keep you there.

If you’re at a point in your life where responsibilities and bills are a reality find ways to innovate within your existing surroundings. View your career as your business and find ways to do more with less.

What can you do to add value?



To Your Success,

Marcin Drozdz

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