Who Cares

mindset May 09, 2021
How to get your prospects attention and stay relevant


… about what you can do?


A few years ago I was looking to get the attention of someone I wanted to connect with. I called and emailed to no avail.

Feed up I called my assistant and told him to pickup a pair of Nike’s and deliver them to this persons office with a note that read “Dear X, if you’re going to run from me here’s a pair of Nike’s to do it in style”.

He called me within hours of the shoes being delivered (laughing) to tell me that they were the wrong size. It didn’t matter, we connected.

I’ve known this person for several years now and whenever we run into each other at social functions others inevitably hear about how we connected. 

What are the odds that he’ll forget me? I’d say close to none…who sends shoes?

Another time I was working with a business owner who couldn’t make the deadline to deliver a contract to close a significant deal with me.

I called him the day of and realized he was very sick. I didn’t mention the contract and the deal died. During lunch I popped out to a local drug store and picked up some NeoCitran and overnight shipped the package to him with a personalized card.

He called me several days later when he felt better and thanked me and promptly proposed a new, more lucrative opportunity. He brought a few of his friends to the table also.

It doesn’t matter what you send, what’s important is that you act quickly, with purpose, and good taste. 

If you want to get someone’s attention you need to do something worth noticing. Everyone calls and emails to follow up on WHAT THEY NEED.

Take the time to think of how you can incorporate your personality and experiences into all your communication.

No one cares that you're just calling and “checking in” or “touching base”.



To Your Success,

Marcin Drozdz

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