You Don’t Believe You’re Worthy? Let’s Change That Right Now.

mindset Sep 09, 2024
You Don’t Believe You’re Worthy? Let’s Change That Right Now.

Listen, I get it. Imposter syndrome is real, and it can hit anyone, no matter how successful they are. But here’s the thing—believing you’re not worthy is the fastest way to sabotage your success. Let’s break this down:

Worthiness Isn’t Given, It’s Earned

You don’t start out feeling worthy. You earn that feeling through action, consistency, and results. The truth is, nobody is born worthy of success—it’s something you build over time. If you’re waiting to feel “worthy” before you go after what you want, you’ll be waiting forever. You’ve got to take action first, and the belief will follow.


Your Unfair Advantage Is Your Worth

What makes you unique? What’s your unfair advantage? That’s where your worth lies. It’s not about comparing yourself to others or measuring up to some imaginary standard. It’s about recognizing the unique value you bring to the table. When you focus on your unfair advantage, you realize that worthiness isn’t about being better than anyone else—it’s about being the best version of yourself and offering something that no one else can.


Everyone Starts Somewhere

Every successful person you admire started exactly where you are—doubting themselves, questioning their worth. The difference is they didn’t let those doubts stop them. They took the leap, even when they weren’t sure they were ready or worthy. And you know what? They figured it out along the way. You don’t need to be perfect to start—you just need to start.

Action Creates Confidence

Confidence doesn’t come from sitting on the sidelines, hoping you’ll magically feel worthy one day. It comes from getting in the game, making moves, and seeing that you’re capable of more than you realized. Every time you take action, you build a little more confidence, and with that confidence comes the belief that you’re worthy of the success you’re striving for.


Worth Is a Decision, Not a Feeling

You’re as worthy as you decide to be. Worthiness isn’t some external validation you need to wait for—it’s a decision you make about yourself. When you decide that you’re worthy, everything changes. You stop holding back, you start showing up fully, and you attract the success and opportunities that align with that belief.

Here’s the reality: If you don’t believe you’re worthy, no one else will either. But the good news is, you can change that belief right now. Decide that you’re worthy of success. Decide that you have value to offer. And then act in alignment with that decision every single day.

You might not feel worthy right now, and that’s okay. But start acting like you are, and before you know it, that feeling will catch up to you. And when it does, you’ll look back and wonder why you ever doubted yourself in the first place.


The information contained herein is for general guidance on matters of interest only. This information contained herein is not intended to provide you with any advice on financial planning, investment, insurance, legal, accounting, tax or similar matters and should not be relied upon for such purposes. Marcin Drozdz, M1 Real Capital Inc are not financial, legal or tax advisers. You should assess whether you require such advisers and additional information and, where appropriate, seek independent professional advice. You understand this to be an expression of opinions and not professional advice. You are solely responsible for any actions you take with the content and hold Marcin Drozdz and M1 Real Capital Inc or any of it's affiliates harmless in any event or claim.

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