Are You Hauling Buckets or Building A Pipeline? mindset small business tips for success Nov 07, 2022

Are you hauling buckets or building a pipeline?

This is the question that every real estate investor should ask themselves. Too many people get stuck in the day-to-day tasks of running their business, without taking the time to build a pipeline...

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How To Quickly Calculate If A Real Estate Deal Is Profitable multifamily tips real estate investing Oct 31, 2022

Figuring out whether a property will cash flow can be tricky. But with the right formula, it can be done in just 30 seconds.

This blog post will teach you the GRM (Gross Rent Multiplier) formula, which is a quick and easy way to determine whether a...

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How to Invest and Still Ace it on Your 40s multifamily tips real estate investing small business tips for success Oct 24, 2022

So you're in your forties and you want to invest in real estate. That's great! But there's something you need to keep in mind: your spending habits. You can't spend every penny you make if you want to be successful in real estate. In this blog...

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The Art of Small Wins: Fail Small, Fail Fast, Do it Again mindset Oct 17, 2022

It can be tempting to try and take on too much at once when starting a business. After all, you want to see results as quickly as possible, right? However, this is often where new businesses fail. It's more important to focus on the little things...

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